2/11/2015 Antigua

Yesterday, I sent the laundry to be done. I had managed to get food all over one pair of pants and yellow chalk on the other. I studied Spanish on Duolingo. We went out to the market. Jill went to her cooking class and I walked over to a presentation by a woman who started a charity called WINGS. Her organization provides access to birth control for women who can’t afford it.… Read the rest

2/3/2015 Antigua

Yesterday we walked through the ruins of the San Francisco convent. The place was almost empty. The scale of it all isĀ amazing. Completely different from the reformed ruin of Santo Domingo. Most of San Francisco has not been rebuilt. Huge columns support lonely walls reaching into a blue sky. There are smudges of original designs in plasterĀ on the bricks.… Read the rest

1/31/2015 Antigua

Yesterday, Jill got some new blog cards printed. We also visited Dyslexia bookstore. A tiny place with lots of Antigua connections. I asked about the book Kabloona but he didn’t have it. It’s about a gentleman that lives with the Inuit in Canada for about a year in 1920 or thereabouts. Kabloona means white man in Inuit. Jim, the proprietor of Dyslexia, wrote an article about it in La Cuadra.… Read the rest